If you aren’t already busy enough, Student Council has plenty of activities planned to make your schedule even busier. The month of November is crammed with Red Ribbon Week, boo grams, nursing home visits, and many more events.
One of those events is the canned food drive.
“We already have our food drive going on, in a competition with Pittsburgh,” STUCO sponsor Alicia Gallegos said. “We will then donate the food we gathered to the Center of Hope or Randy Sams shelter.”
The rules are a bit different with STUCO’s second annual Feed The Hungry Food Drive. If Pleasant Grove wins the competition against Pittsburgh, the teacher with the most food donations wins a sundae, cupcake, or donut party for their students. The winning school was revealed at the PG-Pittsburgh football game on Friday, Nov. 1, with Pittsburg taking the win, but STUCO will continue collecting donations until Thanksgiving.
Beyond food drives, STUCO also participates in activities with other schools too. At the annual Fall Forum, members gathered information to plan the year ahead with other student councils in the Texarkana area.
“I loved getting together and meeting new people from other schools and sharing amazing ideas,” sophomore Mckinlee Wallace said.
Outside of school, STUCO is working with a nursing home called The Villa. They plan to work with them every first and third Sunday of each month until the end of the school year. STUCO members are making goodie bags filled with word search books, socks, soft candies, and snack foods.
“I think spending time with the people at the nursing home is a good way to get STUCO to do more events not just in school but also so the nursing home members have someone to talk to,” junior Taylor Harding said.