The scent of fresh coffee drifts through the air accompanied by the familiar sound of rolling wheels on a Friday morning. For many teachers, the coffee cart has been an end of the week staple for years.
“When they come by, it kind of stops class, and you get to have that little break of, ‘Oh, I get a snack,’” teacher Caleb Watson said. “But, when the coffee cart comes by, I let them eat the snack they bought. That makes people happy. Food makes people happy.”
The coffee carts are run by the Life Skills classes, selling coffee and treats on Friday mornings during first and second period. However, these carts don’t only provide a tasty treat on Friday mornings. Running this practice teaches students social and entrepreneur skills that can be applied in the real world.
“We started it five years ago to help our students learn how to do real life math and experience what it’s like to work with customers, and possibly how to start a new business,” Life Skills teacher Jeffery Parker said.
The coffee cart’s popularity allows for enough revenue to come back year after year, while also saving for fun outings for the Life Skills classes.
“They use it [the money] to purchase more supplies,” Mr. Parker said. “And then at the end of the year, they have a lunch that they go out and eat. And then they also go bowling.”
The coffee carts began running on Sept. 13, and will run every Friday during first and second period.