After standing for four hours, junior Montgomery Phelps was exhausted.
But he was elated when his group won first place.
“It was really cool to see the finished project,” Montgomery said.
Select art students went on a field trip to First Baptist Church on Moores Lane. They participated in a workshop called “Best Day Ever.” This event requires students to make an entire outfit out of recycled materials.
“I’m a really competitive person, so I had a lot of fun at Best Day Ever,” Montgomery said.
During this competition, students spent 5 hours planning, constructing, and revising ideas to send down the runway.
“The hardest part was the time limit,” Montgomery said. “It was hard because we had a lot of ideas we wanted to execute, but we just didn’t have enough time to get to them all.”
Students had to merge two cultures into one cohesive garment.
“My group’s cultures were Spain and Mongolia. We were lucky because they were pretty easy to put together and actually look together,” Montgomery said. “I think my favorite part of being a model was really getting to know the underclassmen. I got to know people that I’ve never really interacted with before.”