When Kylie Tannehill (11) signed up for art her freshman year, she just needed a fine arts credit. Three years later, she spends all her time in the art room working on projects and her masterworks.
She specializes in design but also loves the drawing components.
What was the thought process of your project and what were you most excited about for the project?
“I wanted to get some unusual materials to make into one cohesive masterwork and make a project that meant something to me.”
What was your favorite component of your project?
“My favorite part of my project was the red circles because they added that pop of color and dimension into the project.”
How did you feel about the project all in all? Do you feel it could have been better and what way?
“I feel that all together it turned out pretty great and I enjoyed the final outcome.”
For the next project what social issue did you decide to research and why?
“I chose Human Trafficking because it is a big deal in this area and I think it’d be a good message.”
What do you hope to gain from your research?
“To be more knowledgeable on the topic and to bring awareness to the subject through my research and project to let the people know more about it.”
What is your opinion on human trafficking, do you think it is a serious and big deal? Do you think enough people know about it?
“I think human trafficking is a serious topic and I think more people need to be aware of it and I think I am going enjoy this project.”